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Instance management

Explorer Instances can be started and stopped using the Gencove web dashboard, Gencove CLI or the Gencove API.

They can also be configured to stop automatically after some time of inactivity.

Additionally, the Gencove CLI has support for Shell Session. An easy way to connect into your Explorer instance from the terminal.

Start/Stop instances from Web dashboard

On the left menu there's a toggle button for starting and stopping explorer instances.

Stop Start

Start instances

Executing the following CLI command:

gencove explorer instances start

Starts the instances of the user executing the command.

Stop instances

Executing the following CLI command:

gencove explorer instances stop

Stops the instances of the user executing the command.

Automatically stop instances after a period of inactivity

Explorer instances can be configured to be stopped after hours of inactivity.

There are two ways of setting this configuration:

  • Organization level, sets the configuration for all instances in the organization.
  • Instance level, sets the configuration for a specific instance.

By default the instance configuration has precedence over the organization configuration.

There’s a flag that can be set override=True so that the organization config is enforced in all instances and the instance specific config is ignored.

By default the flag is override=False.

Possible configurations for the organization

  • Hours = 0
    • Don’t stop instances
  • Hours between 3 and 72
    • Stop instances that have been inactive after the configured amount of hours
  • Override = False
    • Respect the instance configuration
  • Override = True
    • Ignore instance configuration and apply org config to all instances

Possible configurations for the instance

  • Hours = None
    • Use organization configuration
  • Hours = 0
    • Don’t stop instance
  • Hours between 3 and 72
    • Stop instance if it has been inactive for the configured amount of hours

Examples of configuration using the CLI

Configure own instance to stop after 3 hours

Only a user with explorer-level role or above can execute this command:

gencove explorer instances inactivity-stop --hours 3

Configure own instance to default to org config

Only a user with explorer-level role or above can execute this command:

gencove explorer instances inactivity-stop --hours=None

When hours is set to None for an instance it uses the org config by default.

Configure all instances in the Organization to stop after 3 hours by default

Only a user with owner-level role can execute this command:

gencove explorer instances inactivity-stop --hours 3 --organization

This means that all instances configured with hours=None will be stopped after 3 hours of inactivity.

Enforce all instances to use Organization config

Only a user with owner-level role can execute this command:

gencove explorer instances inactivity-stop --organization --override --hours=0

This means that all instances will be configured to never stop. Hours=0 means that the feature is disabled.

Shell Session

This functionality is provided in the Gencove CLI. It requires that both the AWS CLI and the Session Manager plugin are installed and available in the user's system.

Shell session allows the user to connect to their Explorer instance via terminal console.

To start the connection, execute the command:

gencove explorer instances shell

If the command was successful now the system prompt should look something like this:

(explorer) explorer@gncv-238d93ad87784f0c81a3e3695484bcc2:~$

Access URL

This functionality is provided through the Gencove CLI and allows for generating a time-limited, shareable URL to access a user's respective Explorer instance.

To generate an access URL, execute the following command:

gencove explorer instances url

The output will be a shareable URL that can be used to access the instance. Note that the URL is only valid for a limited amount of time.