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The Gencove Archive

The Gencove Archive

The Gencove Archive automatically transitions samples older than 30 days from hot storage to the Archive. Once a sample is in the Archive, its deliverables are not immediately available for download, rather users need to intentionally restore them from the Archive using the Gencove web dashboard, command-line interface (CLI), or API. Sample restoration can take up to 50 hours. Upon restoration, sample deliverables are available to download for 12 days, after which they return to the Archive.

The user can subscribe to receive notifications when samples are ready for use or download by setting a samples_restored event in the Event Notifications system

gencove projects restore-samples <project-id> --sample-ids sample-id-1,...,sample-id-N

Note that default views in the Gencove web dashboard and CLI only display samples that are immediately available for download. To view archived samples, set the view filter to either:

  • all: display available and archived samples
  • archived: display only archived samples