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Uploading using BaseSpace

Setting up Automated imports from BaseSpace

If a BaseSpace social connection is present for a user and there are adequate permissions for importing from BaseSpace, an automated import can be set up. It runs periodically and parses BaseSpace for the projects created in the last day whose names contain the identifier. Biosamples from those BaseSpace projects are imported into Gencove project to be run there.


identifier is used as a search argument for BaseSpace projects. Any project name that contains the identifier is returned. Letter case is ignored.

Identifier "cattle" will match BaseSpace project names like "Our cattle 1" and "Cattle New", but it won't match "Corn".

Listing autoimport jobs

Available autoimport jobs for a user can be listed using the gencove basespace autoimports list command.

$ gencove basespace autoimports list

Creating an autoimport job

A new autoimport job can be created using the gencove basespace autoimports create command.

$ gencove basespace autoimports create <project-id> identifier-in-basespace-project-name

To assign the sample metadata for each sample set up to be imported this way --metadata-json can be used.

$ gencove basespace autoimports create <project-id> identifier-in-basespace-project-name --metadata-json '{"example-key": "example-value"}'


When autoimport job is first created, it is immediately run. Afterwards it will periodically check if a new BaseSpace project with name containing the identifier is added in the last day and import the Biosamples according to the autoimport instructions.