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VCF Management

Subset VCFs

This shortcut enables the user to subset a collection of VCF files to a set of genomic regions.

The shortcut's input_helper() method accepts either:

  • Gencove project id
  • List of Gencove sample ids

and returns a dictionary containing a list of Sample objects from the Gencove platform.

Alternatively, the user may provide a list of Sample or VCF objects to the shortcut without using input_helper().

from gencove_explorer_library.shortcuts.subset import SubsetVCFs
from gencove_explorer.helpers import GenomicRegion

input_parameters = SubsetVCFs.input_helper("aa3a46e0-c390-4943-b613-26f9908367d5")

subset = SubsetVCFs(
    regions=[GenomicRegion(contig=1, start=860000, stop=880000)],

Annotate VCFs

This shortcut enables the user to annotate a collection of VCF files with a specific version of ClinVar.

The shortcut's input_helper() method accepts either:

  • Gencove project id
  • List of Gencove sample ids

and returns a dictionary containing a list of Sample objects from the Gencove platform.

Alternatively, the user may provide a list of Sample or VCF objects to the shortcut without using input_helper().

from gencove_explorer_library.shortcuts.annotate import AnnotateVCFs, AnnotationClinVar

input_parameters = AnnotateVCFs.input_helper("aa3a46e0-c390-4943-b613-26f9908367d5")

annotated = AnnotateVCFs(

Shard VCFs

This shortcut enables the user to shard a collection of VCF files to a set of genomic regions.

The shortcut's input_helper() method accepts either:

  • Gencove project id
  • List of Gencove sample ids

and returns a dictionary containing a list of Sample objects from the Gencove platform.

Alternatively, the user may provide a list of Sample or VCF objects to the shortcut without using input_helper().

from gencove_explorer_library.shortcuts.shard_vcfs import ShardVCFs
from gencove_explorer.helpers import GenomicRegion

input_parameters = ShardVCFs.input_helper("aa3a46e0-c390-4943-b613-26f9908367d5")

sharded = ShardVCFs(
    regions=[GenomicRegion(contig=1), GenomicRegion(contig=2)],

Merge VCFs

This shortcut enables the user to merge a collection of VCF files from non-overlapping sample sets to create one multi-sample file.

The shortcut's input_helper() method accepts either:

  • Gencove project id
  • List of Gencove sample ids

and returns a dictionary containing a list of lists of Sample objects from the Gencove platform.

Alternatively, the user may provide a list of lists of Sample or VCF objects to the shortcut without using input_helper().

VCFs from each sublist of the list will be merged into a single VCF file.

from gencove_explorer_library.shortcuts.merge_vcfs import MergeVCFs

input_parameters = MergeVCFs.input_helper("aa3a46e0-c390-4943-b613-26f9908367d5")

merged = MergeVCFs(

Concatenate VCFs

This shortcut enables the user to concatenate a collection of VCF files from the same set of samples. All source files must have the same sample columns appearing in the same order.

The user may provide a list of lists of VCF objects to the shortcut. VCFs from each sublist of the list will be concatenated into a single VCF file.

from gencove_explorer_library.shortcuts.concatenate_vcfs import ConcatenateVCFs

concatenated = ConcatenateVCFs(
        [shard1_vcf, shard2_vcf, shard3_vcf],
        [shard4_vcf, shard5_vcf, shard6_vcf]

Shard, merge, and concatenate VCFs

This shortcut enables the user to shard a collection of VCF files to a set of genomic regions, merge the shards, and concatenate the merged shards into large shards. It is essentially a distributed version of MergeVCFs that works for large sample numbers and large VCF files by composing ShardVCFs, MergeVCFs, and ConcatenateVCFs shortcuts.

The shortcut's input_helper() method accepts either:

  • Gencove project id
  • List of Gencove sample ids

and returns a dictionary containing a list of Sample objects from the Gencove platform.

Alternatively, the user may provide a list of Sample or VCF objects to the shortcut without using input_helper().

The regions input is a list of lists, where the elements in each sublist define the shards and each sublist defines which shards get concatenated into final output VCFs.

from gencove_explorer_library.shortcuts.shard_merge_concatenate_vcfs import ShardMergeConcatenateVCFs
from gencove_explorer.helpers import GenomicRegion

step = int(5e6)
regions = [
        [GenomicRegion(contig="chr22", start=s, stop=s+step) for s in range(int(10e6), int(30e6), step)], # These shards are concatenated into the first output VCF
        [GenomicRegion(contig="chr22", start=s, stop=s+step) for s in range(int(30e6), int(55e6), step)], # These shards are concatenated into the second output VCF

input_parameters = ShardMergeConcatenateVCFs.input_helper("aa3a46e0-c390-4943-b613-26f9908367d5")

sharded_merged_concatenated = ShardMergeConcatenateVCFs(